Saturday, November 10, 2007

Shaking off death...

flaps of wings
scratches of claws
the slit chicken fending off death

~john tiong chunghoo

I thought I'd start off my post with that lovely haiku from chunghoo to describe my part-time job at Haggar in Arundel Mills. I need the extra money for my mortgage payments but the job is sucking the life outta me. Ever hear that theory that hell isn't all fire and torture but being in the place you'd hate to be the most? Well yeah.. that's my wonderful PT job at Haggar. The people are nice, the atmosphere is good but I can't stand being in there most of the time. It wouldn't be so bad if I could have a day or so off every now and then. Of course I get my days off but they're always during the week when I have to work my other job. So I'm constantly working 7 days outta the week. Slowly, piece by piece, everyday... my soul is picked away. Ahhhhh... woe is me. :P

I just needed to bitch a little bit. Gotta get ready for bed... I have to open the store tomorrow.

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