Friday, December 28, 2007

A couple of pawn mates.

Since focusing solely on tactics I have had some wonderful games of chess at gameknot. I've had some excellent wins in the craziest of ways. Last night I can truly say that I dished out my first draw in a lost position. I was down two minor pieces, in a bad position, and somehow found a perpetual check. I will post that pic later. The Chess Tactics Server gets all the credit. Seems like most of the lasts posts have involved the CTS but it deserves it. Above and below you'll see two blitz games where I mated with a pawn. I've always seen games with a pawn mate but was unable to do it myself.

In the Dec issue of Chess Life for Kids I saw a small quote.

Strategy = Position = Tactics

I think this is an excellent little idea to remember. I'm constantly finding myself setting up my pieces in good positions and then 'finding' interesting tactics.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Chess ratings and websites.

The pic above is from my recent training session at the Chess Tactics Server. This tactics training site is by far my most favorite. Everyday I try to do at least 100 and the above session is a chart showing my progress over the last 200 problems. I just finished 120. This site has really changed the way I play chess and has improved my blitz ability greatly. It has also made chess more fun for me. I am buying myself an ICC account soon so I can play some 5 min blitz and bullet games. I can't wait! Gameknot has good blitz but the only drawback is that it is 10min for each side and the moves aren't recorded. ICC records all moves and you can choose 2,5,10+ min games. 10 mins is good but I feel like it still gives someone too much time to think. I will post more on ICC as soon as I get my account opened up. Its 60$ so its gonna take me a couple of weeks to save up. Now to my chess training schedule!

1. Tactics training: 20 mins everyday:

"Until you are at least a high Class A player: Your first name is 'Tactics', your middle name is 'Tactics', and your last name is 'Tactics'."

I don't know who did that quote but its helped me out a lot. Until you get into real 'positional' types of situations you should just learn tactics. Since I play in many correspondence games though its good to do some positional training.

2. Knight movement training: 5-10 mins everyday : download the game "Crazy Chess"

This game is all over the Internet and it really helps you develop a 'second awareness' of knight movement. It helps you come up with crazy paths for your knights and helps determine the path of the opponents knights. The game is a bit cheezy but very effective.

3. Endgame training: 20-30 mins everyday : Silman's Complete Endgame Course

This book is the shiznuckle. Its only 16 bux right now on Amazon and well worth the time. The reason I study endgames is because it knocks out two birds with one stone. IMO endgame study really helps out with endgame tactics/knowledge and positional awareness. Studying endgames has really helped me with positions and the 'subtleties' of chess. One small pawn move or unorthodox knight move can drastically change the positions of both players. I highly recommend studying endgames. Other books are Van Perlo's Endgame Tactics and Complete studies of Gehnrick Kasparayan.

4. Openings Training: 20-30 min everyday : Opening books and Pawn Structure chess

I'm constantly getting trapped in the opening. After studying a few books, not so much. Pawn structure chess is a great book and teaches you to feel out positions and their tactics. If one pawn moves in an opening you have the knowledge to switch your defenses... much to the surprise of your opponent. I'm still going through this book. Its very in depth. With my correspondence games I have a bunch of opening books which I go through when I play. This is legal and lets you learn the openings well. I DO NOT use the databases on the site. You don't really learn that way. Researching and reading puts the ideas into your head. Its kinda like using the spellcheck in a document. You know the spelling but can't really do it right. I'm currently obsessed with 'hypermodern' openings so my boots are on the Reti, the Tango, the Nimzovich defense, the Alekhine, the English, and Hypermodern openings.

I don't do much middlegame training but I feel I train enough. My brain hurts some nights from studying but its ok. It'll all be worth it in the end. If you have an effective training schedule post it up. I'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

rainy Sunday.

Finally a day off. What a day it is too. I got drunk last night watching SNL. Woke up and decided not to go running. Its the first time in a few weeks that I haven't went running. I'm sure I'll be ok though. Everyone needs a break now and then. Currently I am posting from my favorite teashop Teavolve and am enjoying a nice pot(2nd) of green tea. I forgot the name though. Its just me, you and Angelo Debarre in my headphones. The day looks promising though. I'm going to the RAVENS game! Woohoo. I don't watch much football but I do know that the Ravens almost took out the undefeated Patriots last week. So it should be a good fun game filled with drunken debauchery. Ahhhh... life is good.

Ok.. I'm tired of typing. Back to my tea, chess, and gypsy jazz.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

No Interwebs better Life.

So.... I've been out of Internet for a week or so at my house. I'm posting from my work in DC. A bunch has happened and I have a ton of pics to upload but my computer won't take my USB drive. Security reasons. All USB drives have to be reported to security and 'cleared'. This I find highly amusing. The reason being that anyone with an internet email account can simply login and send themselves a zipped file of all the documents they need. Or simply upload to a file transfer site like . I hope they don't read this... they my take my interwebs away at work... and i need them. So... onto my week.


I've started going to this nice tea shop by my house called Teavolve. The place is pretty trendy but suprisingly 'inviting'. I went a couple of times afterwork to try out some teas (and use the internet.. free wifi). After ordering some tea they immediately liked me because I don't take any sweeteners and I like the natural, unflavored teas. We had fun drinking and talking tea together. I shall go back again. The first time I went I ordered the Silver Needle white tea. It was supposed to be natural but I tasted a bit of fruitiness to it. Something like apricot. I asked them about it and they say their distributor may have gotten one with some type of flower in it. They sell more scented teas there than anything else.. so I get the slim pickins but boy are the pickens good. YeeHAW! Never the less, I bought two ounces of this Silver Needle and drink it constantly. White is better for you and its subtle taste is one to be admired. The second time I went I ordered a pot of Oolong. I forgot which type but it was the natural one. It was great! I got a little jacked from the caffeine but not as bad as I do on black tea. I realised that I was making my Monkey Pick Oolong at home wrong and need to use more of the tea and steep it for a minute or so longer. Since their advise on this my Oolong has been excellent.

Ever since I've lost the internet I've experienced a better life. I'm watching all my black and white films again, studying chess more, cooking more, and doing more chores. Its funny how I constantly seek out tv or internet and amazing how it engulfs my life. Without these things I find myself doing the things that I really want to do. Being the man that I want to be. Its great but I do miss my internets. I guess they both cause me suffering, its the desire I need to eliminate.

Studying chess is going well. I'm doing about 100+ tactic puzzles a day and finally getting back into my endgame studies. Its been a while since I cracked open those books and I'm finding them easier to grasp. I guess its good they were boxed up for a while.

Nothing much has happened since. If I think of something I'll let you know.