Thursday, December 6, 2007

No Interwebs better Life.

So.... I've been out of Internet for a week or so at my house. I'm posting from my work in DC. A bunch has happened and I have a ton of pics to upload but my computer won't take my USB drive. Security reasons. All USB drives have to be reported to security and 'cleared'. This I find highly amusing. The reason being that anyone with an internet email account can simply login and send themselves a zipped file of all the documents they need. Or simply upload to a file transfer site like . I hope they don't read this... they my take my interwebs away at work... and i need them. So... onto my week.


I've started going to this nice tea shop by my house called Teavolve. The place is pretty trendy but suprisingly 'inviting'. I went a couple of times afterwork to try out some teas (and use the internet.. free wifi). After ordering some tea they immediately liked me because I don't take any sweeteners and I like the natural, unflavored teas. We had fun drinking and talking tea together. I shall go back again. The first time I went I ordered the Silver Needle white tea. It was supposed to be natural but I tasted a bit of fruitiness to it. Something like apricot. I asked them about it and they say their distributor may have gotten one with some type of flower in it. They sell more scented teas there than anything else.. so I get the slim pickins but boy are the pickens good. YeeHAW! Never the less, I bought two ounces of this Silver Needle and drink it constantly. White is better for you and its subtle taste is one to be admired. The second time I went I ordered a pot of Oolong. I forgot which type but it was the natural one. It was great! I got a little jacked from the caffeine but not as bad as I do on black tea. I realised that I was making my Monkey Pick Oolong at home wrong and need to use more of the tea and steep it for a minute or so longer. Since their advise on this my Oolong has been excellent.

Ever since I've lost the internet I've experienced a better life. I'm watching all my black and white films again, studying chess more, cooking more, and doing more chores. Its funny how I constantly seek out tv or internet and amazing how it engulfs my life. Without these things I find myself doing the things that I really want to do. Being the man that I want to be. Its great but I do miss my internets. I guess they both cause me suffering, its the desire I need to eliminate.

Studying chess is going well. I'm doing about 100+ tactic puzzles a day and finally getting back into my endgame studies. Its been a while since I cracked open those books and I'm finding them easier to grasp. I guess its good they were boxed up for a while.

Nothing much has happened since. If I think of something I'll let you know.

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