Wednesday, November 7, 2007



Because of my continual laziness I've decided to just use as my blog instead of setting up my own at . Instead I'm doing to just redirect at my site and bring it here.

This blog is about me and the things I'm interested in. The people in my life and the projects I am working on. I have many hobbies and since I have so many I really don't excel at any particular one. I do believe that continual practice will one day lead to excellence. One purpose of this site is to track my personal growth in my hobbies and all other aspects of my life.

A bit of an explanation for the title of the blog. While exploring one of my hobbies in knotwork (shibari) I found myself carrying rope everywhere and tying all types of knots. Fancy knots, decorative knots, camping knots, bondage knots, etc etc etc. While teaching my friends some camping knots I remembered the good ol' noose from my younger days as a Boy Scout. I taught the knot to my friends and said,'This is one knot that you will always remember and I'll only show it to you once.' They still know the knot and its amazing how the steps to tying the knot resonate through memory and time. Even years later you can demonstrate the noose. After I tied the knot for friends I realized something odd. I had never used the noose for anything other than showing friends or setting up snares. I had never caught anything and have never thought of hanging anything/one. The one knot that everyone always remembers and that everyone always shows off when the time comes (whenever that is), must be the most unused knot in existence. For some reason I always put myself in the other persons shoes and found myself in the shoes of an inanimate noose. The first thing I thought was,'How lonely?' (For some reason I always give 'souls' to everything.. you should see me eat a bag of chips!) So lonely but when its used it must be so happy. Purpose. Purpose finally found but soon released and dragged away. Those brief few minutes must be the most wonderful though. To finally have 'purpose'.

Through life everyone is a lonely noose now and then. Searching for purpose, wanting to use and be used. Guess this is just a little place where I wait for my sense of purpose. I hope you use this site for entertainment and I will use you as an outlet for myself and its varying states of expression.

So when you're lonely and need a friend, you've come to the right spot. I'll lay out my life on this blog and let you do with it as you please.


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