Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Computer Rules, Why? - Rule 4

1. "A solid center is FIRST priority."
2. "Trade on your terms, not your opponents".
3. "Protect your pieces with aggressive/attacking pieces."

Rule # 4

"There is an inbetween move 90% of the time"

Another thing that fascinates me about watching the computers play is that they always find the inbetween move. There will be a piece right in front of them and instead of taking it they will check the king or threaten a piece. All the time bettering their position or cramping the enemies, same thing I guess. After they threaten or 'bother' the opponent, then they take the piece. If they have the opportunity for an inbetween move, THEY TAKE IT. I noticed this last night and am now using it in my games. Its a bit harder for me to do it in 1 min games but 5 or more is good. Its kinda like getting more bang for your bills, and I'm a cheap bastard.

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