Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bird's Opening :: 1.f4 e5

White wins 56 (47%)
Draws 38 (31%)
Black wins 26 (22%)

Another reason I was researching the Bird's Opening was because a post in the Unorthodox Opening group on Yahoo. They were discussing From's gambit. I wanted to see if the computer would play the From. It did in some games but the results were varied. As you can see in the stats, White can hold after this gambit. What suprised me the most was that the engines would constantly move the King after a Queen exchange in order to get a Pawn in the center (see rule #1). Even after giving up the right to castle white still has a decent game. Although the position was a bit 'different' I started to see common themes and formations. The King came out often and Black castled Queenside. This was an engine match between Rybka 2.3.1 and HIARC 11.1. Rybka won with : +46 -36 =38 . This is a position that is common in the late opening.

White has given up the right to castle and Black has just castled Queenside. Despite the looks of the position, White seems to be better. All 120 games and the PGN can be found below.

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